for Tardive Dyskinesia in Adults

What is the impact of
tardive dyskinesia (TD)?

Explore below to learn more about TD, its causes and symptoms, and its impact.

Once-daily AUSTEDO XR contains the same active ingredient as twice-daily AUSTEDO® (deutetrabenazine) tablets. Data on this page is based on twice-daily dosing.1

What does TD look like,
and what causes TD?1-9

TD can:

  • Cause repetitive and involuntary movements
  • Appear in the face, arms, legs, and trunk
  • Look like twitching, shaking, or jerking

Certain prescription medications used to treat mental health or gastrointestinal conditions can cause TD. It’s more than a side effect of these medications—it’s a real condition with its own diagnosis and treatment plan. It’s important to continue treating your mental health condition and also treat TD.


Take the next step with AUSTEDO XR

Recognizing TD symptoms

Healthcare providers don’t always see or ask about involuntary movements, which is why it’s important to share what
you’re experiencing during your appointment. Watch these videos to see what symptoms can look like.

Man experiencing ankle twisting and rolling symptom of TD. Woman experiencing arm and hand twitching symptom of TD. Woman experiencing constant blinking symptom of TD. Woman experiencing finger tapping symptom of TD. Woman experiencing lip puckering symptom of TD. Man experiencing portraying tongue darting symptom of TD.

See the symptoms2,3

Don't let TD

Do you or a loved one have a TD diagnosis?

Don't let TD

Are you or your loved one taking

Impact of  TD2,3,5-8,10

Having TD can be frustrating and overwhelming. In addition to the physical effects, TD may affect you emotionally by causing embarrassment and social withdrawal.

Uncontrollable movements make it difficult to perform everyday tasks and activities and affect you in ways others may not see, such as
causing increased anxiety in social settings. This increased anxiety
may even make TD movements worse.

The unintentional and
uncontrollable movements
of TD can2,6,10:

  • Be mistaken for being drunk or on drugs
  • Make it difficult to speak clearly
  • Attract unwanted attention when you’re out in public
  • Affect your ability to read or write
  • Make cutting your food or holding your drink challenging

No clinical trials have been conducted to suggest treating TD affects these outcomes.

“I had these movements, and I became really self-conscious.
I like to control my environment, my body, but I had no self-control over those movements.”

Sherland, living with TD

Individual results may vary.

See how Sherland took charge
of her involuntary movements

Hear from real people with TD

Some people with TD recall not noticing their
movements until
family members
pointed them out.2,3,11

See their stories

Get the conversation going

Whether you're ready to talk to your doctor about
involuntary movements or still
trying to figure out what to say, we have
an Appointment Preparation Guide to help you
start the conversation.

Start your guide


1. AUSTEDO® XR (deutetrabenazine) extended-release tablets/AUSTEDO® tablets current Prescribing Information. Parsippany, NJ: Teva Neuroscience, Inc.

2. Warikoo N, Schwartz TL, Citrome L. Tardive dyskinesia. In: Schwartz TL, Megna J, Topel ME, eds. Antipsychotic Drugs. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.; 2013:235-258.

3. Waln O, Jankovic J. An update on tardive dyskinesia: from phenomenology to treatment. Tremor Other Hyperkinet Mov (N Y). 2013;3:tre-03-161-4138-1.

4. About mental health. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed January 24, 2024.

5. Jain R, Correll CU. Tardive dyskinesia: recognition, patient assessment, and differential diagnosis. J Clin Psychiatry. 2018;79(2):nu17034ah1c.

6. Jackson R, Brams MN, Citrome L, et al. Assessment of the impact of tardive dyskinesia in clinical practice: consensus panel recommendations. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2021;17:1589-1597.

7. Tardive dyskinesia. National Alliance on Mental Illness. Accessed January 24, 2024.

8. Bergland C. Is tardive dyskinesia reversible? Verywell Health. March 8, 2022. Accessed January 24, 2024.

9. Data on file. Parsippany, NJ: Teva Neuroscience, Inc.

10. Derrow P. What is tardive dyskinesia? Symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Everyday Health. Accessed January 24, 2024.

11. My loved one has started moving strangely. Mental Health America. Accessed January 8, 2024.